Thursday, January 7, 2010

Birthday Cake for Breakfast

Hey, I'm 50 today. I can have birthday cake for breakfast if I want to and I wanted to. In fact, I've decided -- now that I'm 50 I can do whatever I want to, when I want to. I don't have to live by no stinkin' rules. Why wait until I'm an old lady to do those things that I've always wanted to do? I know what my niece is thinking right now. She's thinking that I'm already old. Well, she can be a tacky butt and she's wrong, but I love her.
The carrot cake is very good, but I was wishing for more cake and less icing. Something to keep in mind if I ever order another one.
It's really cold here today. I'm not fond of cold. Thankfully, we're stocked up and we don't have to go anywhere. I'm trying to get my hubby to go check the mail, but that may not happen. I plan to do whatever I end up wanting to do. And I plan to enjoy it. I hope you have a great day too!


pam q said...

Happy Birthday, Sharon!!!

I sure would like to come over for some of that cake....

I would like to bask in all the warmth down there. It was around zero all day here.

So, Happy Birthday again and remember---you will always be younger than me!!!

Brittani said...

I am NOT a tacky butt! ;)