Thursday, January 28, 2010

27 Simple Things that bring me JOY

I checked out Pam's blog this morning to find that she had found a wonderful blog. Christina at Soul Aperture is donating $1 for every list of simple things that bring you joy, up to $250, to Doctors without Borders to help Haiti. Write your list, then go to Soul Aperture and leave a comment with a link to your list. Pam had listed 27 things, so I am too. Here are mine in no particular order:

1. laughter -- especially the laughter of my son, husband and grandchildren
2. sunsets
3. hugs
4. true friends
5. when I take a good photograph
6. quilts
7. quilt shows
8. puppies and kittens
9. quilt retreats
10. spending time with family and friends
11. my dogs (despite the fact that they ate the couch cushion yesterday!)
12. hearing the voice of someone I love who is far away
13. bluebonnets blooming (won't be long!)
14. opening day of baseball and being in the stands of the Texas Rangers first home game
15. birds -- hearing them, seeing them
16. books
17. when my son is happy, that brings me immeasurable joy
18. creating
19. traveling, it doesn't even have to be far
20. taking artistic classes
21. spending time with my mother and sister, together or apart
22. really good fruit
23. the smell of freshly cut grass and just cut watermelon (to me they are similar smells)
24. clean sheets
25. the sound of rain after a dry spell
26. seeing wildlife on our property
27. water


christina said...

books...creating...clean sheets. all so simple and appreciated.
: )

SE'LAH... said...

true friends are better than gold. stopping over from Soul Aperture to enjoy your list of simple things.

one love.

pam q said...

Hey! Hey!

Glad to see you joined in!

I have started to read through all the lists and it is fun to see how much the same---and oh so different---we all are!

I can't believe it is almost Blue Bonnet time again!!!!!

Relyn Lawson said...

Isn't this idea of Christina's such fun? I love how many of us are roaming the blogroads stopping to say hello here and there. So, hello to you. Happy almost-Friday.