This is my life, the moments that make me -- ME -- the moments that make me enough!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Bonus Photo -- Sense of Motion
Photo of the week 17 of 39 -- 9:00 AM
Next week's theme is "Crossroads".
Thursday, July 30, 2009
More Kid Fun
When I had visited them around Easter, I purchased a "Wreck this Journal" by Keri Smith. I had a lot of fun wrecking it and the girls had a lot of fun watching me and giving me encouragement and ideas. They each asked for one of their own to wreck. So, today I gave them one! In this photo, you can see granddaughter number two with the paper cup she made from one of the pages. She had a little trouble making the "point" watertight, so she came up with the idea of taping it! Smart girl!
Granddaughter number one has been collecting rocks the last couple of days. I think she has the makings of a true rock hound! Who knows, maybe one day she and I will go to some of these mines that let the public look for gems and we'll see if we can find some diamonds or other such treasures!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dinosaur fun and climbing trees
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Brown Eyes
Happy Days are Here Again!
Monday, July 27, 2009
cleaning and yard work
In the middle of all of this, our hot water heater finally died. I found this out when I was trying to take a shower that I was in extreme need of. The water was very cold and I was very hot and sweaty. Thankfully I had rested for a while and cooled down quite a bit, compared to what I had been, so I didn't pass out in the shower, but it was a very quick shower indeed. If you want to truly conserve water, shower cold! You won't stay in long at all! I know where my pertinent parts are and I washed them and got the heck out of there! I had chill bumps when I did, but I was much cleaner than when I went in.
Now I'm waiting for the plumber to come and install the new water heater. While I'm waiting, I'm trying to clean downstairs some. I'd like for us to have a place to sit and talk and even eat. What a novel idea! At the moment, that isn't possible. I am not kidding, but I will not post photos of it. Hearing about it is one thing, seeing it is something altogether different. And at the moment it's even worse than it was this morning since half of the stuff that was in the bathroom is in the kitchen. We had to clean off and take down the shelf that goes over the water heater. I just hope they make it here today.
Later: I wrote most of this earlier today. The water heater did get installed! Hurray! The bathroom is back to normal and the living room and kitchen are in better shape than they were, but no where near finished.
The top picture is of the old water heater. The bottom one is of the new one with the shelf back and everything back in.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Photo of the week 16 of 39 -- Yellow
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
In the Stands
The photo challenge
I may have told you this part before....I don't remember. When I first started looking for a photo challenge to take on, I googled "photo challenge". One of the many websites that came up was Julie's. I liked Julie's website and the different theme's she was using. Her challenge was a daily photo, but I knew I'd never do that and I decided not to set myself up to fail. I emailed and asked if she minded if I did my own thing with her theme's on a weekly basis. She basically said 'Go for it!'. I do love to look at her blog -- 365 Photos in 2009 (or maybe not!), at least weekly to see what great shots she's taken. She also has a list of many people, on the right hand side of her blog under "365 Photo Blogs", of people who are participating with her. So if you like great photography, I highly recommend you check them out when you have time.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Photo of the week 15 of 39 -- Chores
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Getting to know Katie
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Big Happy Family
We had barely started to walk down the row of cages when Richard said something about one of the dogs there. I stopped and looked. I told him that she was the other VIP that I had mentioned to him this morning. (A "VIP" is an animal who has been at the SPCA of Texas for more than 30 days. They lower the adoption price in an effort to get the little sweetie adopted.) They had 2 female dog VIPs and we were planning to look at both of them. Well, my plan was to look at the second one only if Richard didn't fall in love with April like I had. I had actually visited her once during my volunteering and of course the picture on the website was darling.
I hadn't really counted on him falling in love with the second dog before he even saw the first one! But that is what happened.
Say hello to Katie! She's a real sweetheart. Now, you may remember that Barkley was quite cowed by our Elly dog when she was alive. So, when we brought Katie in, he was scared plum to death of her! It was really pretty funny. He's a big ol' 95 pounds and she's not quite 40 pounds. She literally chased him around the house for 45 minutes trying to play with him. Her tail just a wagging the whole time, while he ran his little terrified heart out! Finally, Richard was able to get them to stop and see that everyone was nice and friendly. At that point they started to play and they played their hearts out for hours. Playing that hard for that long, makes doggies very thirsty, so Katie has drank a lot tonight. She's had a couple of accidents, but I feel certain that she'll be totally reminded of her house breaking soon.
At least I hope that was correct on her paper work. It said she was house broken in her former home, but would need to be reminded since she'd been at the shelter for so long. She's also had heartworms and been successfully treated. She's healthy and happy and very active! She's also a border collie mix. As she calms down a bit, that is if she calms down a bit, I'll get more pictures of her to share with you. She's about the same age as Barkley according to her paperwork, a couple of months older actually, but she acts like a puppy. Maybe it's the border collie in her. I've never had one before, but I've read that they are very intelligent and can be quite obstinate.
Monday, July 13, 2009
We started thinking of getting a second dog fairly soon after Elly's death. Barkley seemed so lonely. Now, he's coming into his own and seems to be fine, but we miss having more pets around. I found out a little over a year ago that I'm allergic to cats, so as much as I want another one, I can't have it. So, dog shopping it is!
The problem is that I fall in love easily. I see those big doggie eyes and fall head over heals. Then I start working on the hubby. By the time I think I've almost got him convinced to look at a particular dog, the dog has been adopted by someone else and heartbreak sets in! Then the search continues. Well, there is one we're planning to go look at tomorrow, if the good Lord's willin' and the creek don't rise. Here is a link to her picture. I hope it works out. Cross your fingers for me, OK? * Shoot, the link doesn't take you directly to her picture, but to a list of adoptable animals. She is "April" a VIP on the first page.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Revisiting my 49 List
Friday, July 10, 2009
Photo of the week 14 of 39 -- Adolescence
That got me to thinking about my own adolescence. I could have driven to Dallas to the neighborhood I grew up in and just taken location shots, but I thought it might make me very sad to see the changes that have been made to the old places. Besides that, it's over an hour away and I wasn't able to make it over there during any other visits near by recently. That's a lot of gas, time and money for one or two photographs.
Time to get creative! I thought more about my adolescence and the kinds of things I did, how things have changed from then to now -- that sort of thing. Of course I realized there were shows on TV that I watched then,
I can't remember when TV stations went to 24 hour viewing in Dallas. I remember them going off the air each night, playing the "Star Spangled Banner" and then showing the test pattern after they signed off. Never in my wildest dreams, as an adolescent, did I ever think we'd have so many TV watching options, with so many stations on all the time and be able to go out and purchase movies and TV shows on discs to watch in our homes whenever we want to! Amazing how far things have come .
Next week's theme is "chores".
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Modern Conveniences
Now, my hubby is from a different generation -- mine. He also works with computers in air-conditioned rooms all day. He's not about to come home and sweat all night after being in comfort all day. So as stupid as it sounds if he happens to get the house too hot in February with the wood burning stove, he's been known to turn on the air-conditioner then.
That being said, there hasn't been a day this year, since at least early May, that I haven't walked into our house and thanked God for air-conditioning and the person who invented it! It is hot in Texas! I have a few other modern conveniences that I am extremely grateful for. Here is my, no where near complete, list in no particular order:
1. Refrigeration
2. Clean Running Water
3. Flush Toilets
4. The Electric Light
5. Deodorant!
6. Toilet Paper
What are your favorite modern conveniences?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Maybe I just lack common sense
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Let Freedom Ring!
Each dog we've had since living out here in the country has been scared senseless by the loud noises of fireworks. It is not fun to spend hours each 4th of July, Christmas and New Years day trying to calm my dogs. In fact, it would be fine if it was just on those three days, but it's not, it's a week or so before and after each of those days. I get very little sleep during that time and the poor dog gets a nervous condition. When our Lady dog was alive, we had to sedate her each year at this time! It's so frustrating. I actually enjoy the years when we are in a drought and the fireworks are banned!
So, y'all have a great celebration, but do me and my poor dog a favor and make it a quiet one. Save yourself some money this year or better yet, donate what you would have spent buying fireworks to a worthy cause and then go to one of the big fireworks shows. It'll be so much prettier and safer and my dog will be calm and I can get some sleep.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Photo of the week 13 of 39 -- Nostalgia
I had a lot of ideas for the theme this week. I was leaning toward taking a photo of board games. I miss playing board games and whenever I happen to see them in the toy isles of some store, it always reminds me of my childhood. Boardgames, coloring books, Crayola Crayons, blowing bubbles, playing go fish or some other card game and even dominoes all remind me of childhood. I don't think my son has memories of these things and I'm pretty sure my grand kids won't either.
I picked the photo of watermelons for a totally different reason. I was born in January and usually got to have my favorite chocolate cake to celebrate. My sister was born on June 16th. One year, for whatever reason, my father asked her if she would like a birthday cake or watermelon! She said watermelon and a new tradition was born! She was thrilled and I was jealous. There was no way to get a watermelon in January. Dad took both us girls to a local fruit stand that happened to have refrigerated watermelons, so we could pick out one that was already cold! My dad never picked out a bad watermelon either. We were able to celebrate as soon as we got home. We put candles in it, sang "Happy Birthday" and everything, just as if it were a cake. It was the best. To this day, when June 16th hits, I start craving watermelon. To this day, I still have a hard time picking a good one out. The only time I could pick out good watermelon was when I was pregnant with my son. Of course, that could have been because I truly craved them then and it didn't matter if it was a good melon or not, I was going to eat it (after all in February of that year, I craved peaches and the only ones that could be found were three green ones -- to this day, they were the best peaches I've ever had). I would eat a 20 pound melon in 2 days by myself during that time. Watermelon is very nostalgic for me.
Next weeks theme is "adolescence".
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Wizard of Oz
After I was married and moved with my Airman husband to Biloxi while he was stationed at Keesler AFB, my dear Aunt Brenda was expecting her first child. I found a little baby quilt with a stamped cross stitch scene from the Wizard of Oz on it. I bought it and did the cross stitch for my gift to her dear little daughter, my cousin Sundey. I foisted all kinds of Oz Christmas ornaments on her too over the years. Bless her heart.
I've hoped that my granddaughters would love the Wizard of Oz as much as I do. I don't think they do. I know they asked their mom to watch the "witch" movie a couple of times, but I don't think they've really loved it. Maybe it's the availability that has ruined it for them. Maybe you have to be able to look forward to some things and not be able to see them whenever you want to that makes them so special.
I Finally DId It!
As soon as I clicked on that last button to finish up and list the item, I realized I didn't say anything about the size of the piece. I know there was something else I forgot too, but I've already forgotten what it was that I forgot. I just hate it when that happens.
I know that it'll get easier for me as time goes by and I list more things. I'm looking forward to that. Until then, you can see the piece I listed last night at the right in my little etsy showcase thing. I'll have more in it as I list them.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
A Visit to the Vet
Once the other dog left, we went back to get Barkley's weight taken. At 2 years, he weighs 95 pounds! I was shocked! I thought he'd be at least 10 pounds less than that. Then he went back for his exam. Everything checked out. No heart worms or other parasites -- hallelujah! He got all of his vaccinations and his Revolution and we paid our bill and hit the road. Needless to say, we are both pooped and very thankful to be home.