Thursday, July 2, 2009

I Finally DId It!

I finally got my first piece uploaded into my etsy store late last night. Between taking the photos and trying to figure out what to call the piece and then how to describe it, it took me hours. Yes, you read that right, it took me literally hours to get it listed.

As soon as I clicked on that last button to finish up and list the item, I realized I didn't say anything about the size of the piece. I know there was something else I forgot too, but I've already forgotten what it was that I forgot. I just hate it when that happens.

I know that it'll get easier for me as time goes by and I list more things. I'm looking forward to that. Until then, you can see the piece I listed last night at the right in my little etsy showcase thing. I'll have more in it as I list them.

1 comment:

pam q said...


You did a great job!

Isn't it amazing how long it does take to make those "simple little listings"??? HA! HA! HA!

You are one up on me though---I still haven't figured out how to get that Etsy shop "thing-y" on my sidebar................