I showed you the first 20 postcards I had made at moo in this post. I only have three of those original 20 postcards left. Thankfully, my new order of 60 postcards have been shipped and should be here by Monday. I'm so excited at the thought of getting them! I cannot wait to look at each of them and see if they look at good as I hope they do. I'll plot and plan which ones to make again and which ones to skip. Who to send this one to or that one. It's really been fun! I've had requests for some of them! Can you believe that?
You may remember that I had a vanity license plate on my car related to quilting. Well, I'm still a quilter, but I don't feel that the old license plate represents me any longer. So, I got a new one.
This plate reminds me of what I've come through. It reminds me of my new mantra. After I ordered my new plates, I got an email message from a lady who works in the My Plates public relations department. She wanted to know why I picked the plate combination that I did. So, I told her the significance of the word "enough" for me (which you all have heard before, so I'll spare you now) and I told her that the "T" had come to represent my sister Teresa. This is what I said: "She died very suddenly and unexpectedly in April, younger than me. She would want me to live my life to the fullest and to be as happy as I can possibly be. When I see that part of the plate, I will remember her and remember to seize the day."
The Houston Quilt Festival will be held Nov. 4-7 this year. Last year they had a wonderful exhibit of photos taken by quilters. It was one of my favorite exhibits in the show! This year, they're doing it again, plus they're adding a haiku exhibit! I love trying to write a haiku. I sent in three, the maximum number you can enter, last night. I probably should have stewed over them and tried to make sure every word was just right, but I wanted it to be fun. So, I have entered the Houston Quilt Festival! For the first time ever! If I get in, great. If not, that's OK too. I had fun.
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