Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 1 of 29 Gifts in 29 Days

For my first day of 29 Gifts in 29 Days, I first told my friend Catherine about the movement. I'm hoping she'll join me in doing this. I wish all of my friends would, actually, and all of my family. I'd love to compare ideas for giving and see if good things come into their lives during the 29 days.

Later, I hand wrote a letter to an old friend and two thank you letters. All of which were really over due, but couldn't be done, for one reason or another, until today. It felt so good to tell these three women how I felt. They are all a blessing in my life. I truly feel that a letter in the mailbox is a gift nowadays, but a handwritten letter is very special indeed. They are hard for me to write because my hand starts to hurt, but I just kept thinking of love and gratitude the whole time and rested my hand when I needed to.

Then, around dinner time, I made up the coffee pot for my husband tomorrow. I do this often, but I often resent it. I don't drink coffee and even though it doesn't take all that much of my "precious" time, I really don't like to do it. Today, I did it with gratitude in my heart because he was working for "us" and he had washed the dishes and clothes while I was at our son's and grandchildren's house. So, I wanted to show him that I appreciated what he had done and does do. I know he will appreciate it when he wakes up tomorrow afternoon. He works nights, you see. I feel good. Talk to you soon.

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